WordPress Increase Upload Size: 5 Most Effective Methods

That might be a big problem if you're creating a website with a lot of media. In these situations, WordPress Increase Upload Size can help you a lot.
WordPress Increase Upload Size

Are you failing to upload large files, plugins, as well as themes with a low WordPress upload size restriction? That might be a big problem if you’re creating a website with a lot of media. In these situations, WordPress Increase Upload Size can help you a lot.

YES! There are several methods to increase your maximum upload file size on your WordPress website. Increasing the maximum upload file size can help you upload larger files. So, willing to know how you can increase the maximum upload file size in a WordPress website?

We’ll explain the WordPress maximum file upload size in this guide, along with why you should increase it. Additionally, we’ll demonstrate how to increase the upload file size on your WordPress website. So, keep reading this article and increase your WordPress maximum upload file size easily.

What is the Maximum Upload Size in WordPress?

Your hosting company usually sets the maximum file upload size for photos in WordPress; therefore, it varies based on the service. As a general rule, the majority of hosting companies put the limit between 2MB and 500MB. This could not, however, always satisfy your website’s requirements, particularly if you’re uploading huge plugins, videos, or high-resolution photos.

The good news is that you may simply raise the upload size of your files if they are currently too small. This change guarantees that your website functions properly and satisfies your content and media requirements by enabling you to upload bigger files without any issues.

How to Check the Maximum File Upload Size

How to Check the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress

You can check your WordPress website’s maximum file upload size in two different ways. We’ll go over both methods below for checking your WordPress max file upload size limit:

Method-01: Using Media Library

The maximum upload size will be shown automatically by WordPress, which is rather user-friendly. Go to your Media Library and select Add New to view the maximum file upload size. Directly beneath the “Select Files” option, WordPress will display the maximum upload size. As you can see, 128 MB is the maximum file size allowed in this scenario.

Using Media Library

Method-02: Through Site Health Tool

Using the Site Health tool is a further method to determine the maximum upload size of a WordPress site. WordPress version 5.2 added this function, which offers useful information about the health of your website. You may use the program to keep an eye on your website and get alerts when something needs improvement.

It is located in the Tools section of your WordPress Admin Dashboard. Locate the Media Handling or Server section under the Info tab after selecting Site Health. Details on your site’s maximum upload size are included in both sections.

Why You Should increase Upload size

Why You Should increase Upload size in WordPress?

You may need to increase your website’s maximum file size to upload media. High-resolution images, custom themes, and essential plugins often require larger uploads. Video files or other large assets can also demand this adjustment to ensure seamless website functionality and proper handling of important files.

As previously said, eCommerce websites frequently demand a larger maximum upload size to maximize product sales, regardless of whether the items are digital or physical.  Retailers are more successful in selling physical goods when listings as well as product descriptions are accompanied by several high-quality photos.

If you sell digital products, expanding the upload capacity on your WordPress website could consolidate all of your valuable information into one digital location. Increasing the maximum file size in WordPress may also help site owners and marketers attract more visitors by updating the information on your website more often.

5 Most Effective Ways

WordPress Increase Upload Size: 5 Most Effective Ways

Let’s take a look at the top 5 most effective ways you can use to WordPress increase upload size. Follow these methods and get the job done easily:

Method-01: Contact Your Hosting Provider Company

Contacting your hosting provider is one of the simplest ways to raise the maximum permitted file upload size in WordPress. For their customer support staff, this is a rather easy activity that can be completed in a few minutes. Compared to changing server files and implementing code to WordPress, this can be far simpler for novices.

Therefore, contacting your hosting provider for help is one of the quickest fixes if you’re having problems uploading files as well as file size constraints. Most hosting companies can assist you in resolving this issue quickly because raising the upload limit is a simple procedure for tech support.

Method-02: Update .htaccess File

This is another process of increasing WordPress file upload size. By making changes to your site’s .htaccess file, you can also raise the maximum upload size if you’re comfortable with the ode. The .htaccess file will need to be modified in a straightforward way to do this.

You must first log in to your web server and find the .htaccess file, which is often located in the root folder of your WordPress installation, to begin. Verify that hidden files are displayed in your file manager or FTP client if you are unable to see the file. Open the .htaccess file in a text editor after downloading a backup copy to your PC. Add the following codes to the file’s bottom in the text editor:

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M

php_value post_max_size 128M

php_value memory_limit 256M

php_value max_execution_time 300

php_value max_input_time 300

Megabytes will be the maximum upload size defined by this. Change the numbers according to your needs. Both the maximum execution and input times are expressed in seconds. The maximum amount of time spent per script is specified by the execution time. Pick a figure that works for your website.

Method-03: Edit the functions.php File

It is simple to utilize because the functions.php file is accessible from the WordPress backend. This approach can work for you if you feel at ease dealing with live code. However, because there is a chance of creating significant mistakes that might destroy your website, we do not advise novices to use this strategy.

If you want to employ this strategy, the best course of action is to make a backup of the website before you start. Once your website has been securely backed up, you can locate the functions.php file by going to Appearance, Theme File Editor.

Edit the functions.php File

Then, from the file list in the panel on the right side of your screen, locate the functions.php file. Paste in the same code below after scrolling to the bottom of the page:

@ini_set( ‘upload_max_size’, ‘256M’ );

@ini_set( ‘post_max_size’, ‘256M’);

@ini_set( ‘max_execution_time’, ‘300’ );

 Keep in mind that the maximum file upload and post sizes are specified by the numbers in the first two lines. Since this code sets the maximum file and post size to 256M, you can upload files up to 256 MB. To change the maximum limit, simply alter the values at the end of the first two lines to the desired value.

Method-04: Configuring php.ini File

WordPress websites hosted on VPS are best suited for this approach. You provide modifications to your default PHP settings in the php.ini file. It usually includes directives that specify resource restrictions, maximum upload size, and file timeouts. The php.ini file is located in the WordPress root directory and may be accessed via SSH or FTP. You might not always find it there.
Don’t worry! In the root directory of your website, you can make a new file with the same name. Add the following code to the new or old php.ini file using a text editor or code editor. Remember to save your file once you’ve made the necessary modifications.

upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
max_execution_time = 300

Method-05: Use a WordPress Plugin

Although it’s simple to modify the php.ini or .htaccess files to expand the WordPress file upload size limit, you might not feel comfortable with such technical approaches. WordPress plugins might be useful in this situation, enabling you to raise the WordPress file size restriction without knowing any code.

You can accomplish this with several WordPress plugins. There are different plugins like the Increase Max Upload File size plugin that can help you increase the maximum upload file size for your WordPress website. Just install the plugin and increase your website’s file upload size.

Wrap Up

Increasing the WordPress maximum file upload size is essential for handling large images, videos, or plugins. While hosting providers set default limits, adjusting these settings ensures seamless functionality and supports your content needs.

By increasing the limit, you enable smooth uploads, enhance website performance, and avoid interruptions, making it easier to manage and share high-quality content on your site. Here we’ve discussed several effective methods that can help you WordPress increase upload size.



Mahfuz M

It is with extreme enthusiasm that I express my fervor for assisting startups in their journey to conquering obstacles and reaching new heights. Working alongside one another, we can construct a marketing strategy that will bring your business to soaring heights. With an unwavering belief in the strength that comes from perseverance and vigorous labor, I have complete confidence that we will reach your objectives.

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